Transcribed by: Marco Alan Rotta City: Blumenau (SC) - Brazil
Obs.: I've included in this second version the lyrics I couldn't understand in the first version that I've sent.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong...
Instructions: -The chord in ( ) must be played fastly. -I don't have all the lyrics. Some steps may fail. Excuse.
( Little wild one
My little wi---ld one
Oh I love, my girlfriend
But when I need a wild time F#m(1) (A Little wild one, I'll come back to you
All the girls in school (A Were never quite as cool as you
They were all tease and talk (A and you were all please and let's do
With them, I feel like I'm wasting my time
When you make me feel like I'm losing my mind
SOLO (A B E - A B E)
With them, I feel like I'm wasting my time
When you make me feel like I'm losing my mind ( Little wild one
My little wi---ld one
Oh I love, my girlfriend
But when I need a wild time F#m(1) Little wild one, I'll come back
Little wild one, I'll come back (2) Little wild one, I'll come back to you.
(1) I noticed that this chord can be replaced by "A". (2) We have some different notes in the ending, but I couldn't identify then. I think it must be - E B A E
Please, if I made any mistake (I'm sure they exist), just e-mail me