: My dad, Rocky Staats, figured out the chords and I figured out the words : of the Song *Invisible : City by the Wallflowers. There may be some mistakes in our : transcription, especially the words, but it should be : helpful enough for you to use. : : Invisible City : : Looking back at the crash site, : : I don't see me by the road side. : : Well this heart is on wheels tonight, : : Straight through the ghettos and without : lights. : : Now every heart has a blind side, : : Where he learns how to improvise. : : Well this place is a whorehouse tonight, : : Cheaper lovers make expensive wives-- : : : : --But all of these horses that you chase : around, : : In the end they are the ones that always : bring you : : down. : : This invisible city, Where no one sees nothing. : Where touching faces--In the dark. : Feeling pretty is so hard. : Now all of these voices, : And all of these noises. : With all of their illusions of choices, : They've come to my door with one dozen roses. : The imitation of good thief, : Is how you stumble upon hate. : It may of been the first of mistakes, : When we held on to listening that opened the gates-- : : --Now all of these horses that you chase around, : In the end they are the ones that always bring you : down. : : This invisible city, where no one sees nothing. : Where touching faces--In the dark. : Feeling pretty is so hard. : Now I try not to tell lies, : But there's pressures from inside. : So I've learned how to compromise, : Good people for alibis-- : : --But all of these horses that you chase around, : In the end they are the ones that always bring you : down. : : This invisible city, where no one sees nothing. : Where touching faces--In the dark. : Feeling pretty is so hard.