BACK ON LINE --- INXS (J. Farriss/M. Hutchence) NOTES 1. The verses are actually played with a piano. The chords match the piano. The tab of the chords I play here are: A Chord D Chord e-0 e-2B-2 B-2 Piano Chord B-3 G-2 G-2 Piano Chord G-2 G-2 Piano Chord D-2 D-2 Piano Chord D-0 A-0 A-0 E-0 E-0 2. The third line of the chorus is different than the lyrics published with the CD. That line ends with "...leaving" on the CD lyrics 3. The A E D progression proceeding each line of the chorus must be played at the fifth and seventh frets to sound right. The tabs for the chords: A Chord E Chord D Chord e-5 e-7 e-5B-5 B-9 B-9 Piano Chord B-7 B-7 Piano Chord G-6 G-6 Piano Chord G-9 G-9 Piano Chord G-7 G-7 Piano Chord D-7 D-7 Piano Chord D-9 D-9 Piano Chord D-7 D-7 Piano Chord A-7 A-7 Piano Chord A-7 A-7 Piano Chord A-5 E-5 E-7 E-7 Piano Chord E-5 This A E D progression is correct, but the lyrics of the chorus may actually be sang against another chord I can't figure out because the lyrics are actually accompanied by piano. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. 4. This is the first time I have actually posted chords to this news group. I will wait awhile before submitting to, to see if others can add improvements. Phil McClean In our fight against the end Making love we are immortal "Not Enough Time" - INXS (A.Farriss/M. Hutchence) BACK ON LINE - INXS (J. Farriss/M. Hutchence) Intro --- A A D DA A Piano Chord Maybe there is something in meA A Piano Chord Trying to hitch another rideA A Piano Chord Have you ever felt this momentA A Piano Chord When you're looking out of controlD D Piano Chord All the ways I could have takenD D Piano Chord Just add up to indecision CHORUSA A Piano Chord E E Piano Chord D D Piano Chord I'm gonna get this back on lineA A Piano Chord E E Piano Chord D D Piano Chord To me there's no reason whyA A Piano Chord E E Piano Chord D D Piano Chord All my troubles soom be hereA A Piano Chord E E Piano Chord D D Piano Chord Wash away all the pain of mineA A Piano Chord Get me to the place I'm standingA A Piano Chord There's a reason down belowA A Piano Chord Maybe there is something in meA A Piano Chord Trying to take another rideD D Piano Chord Have you ever felt the momentD D Piano Chord When you losing all control Repeat CHORUSA A Piano Chord A A Piano Chord D D Piano Chord All my troubles soon be leavingD D Piano Chord All my troubles soon be leavingA A Piano Chord Mine All my troubles soon be leavingA A Piano Chord Mine All my troubles soon be leavingD D Piano Chord Mine All my troubles soon be leavingD D Piano Chord Mine All my troubles soom be leaving Repeat CHORUSA A Piano Chord A A Piano Chord All my troubles soon be leavingD D Piano Chord All my troubles soon be leavingD D Piano Chord All my troubles soon be leavingA A Piano Chord All my troubles soon be leaving