The intro is an E with the 6th string [lowest pitch] open, and the next two [A, D] fretted on the seconf. Hit that 3 times, hit the 6th string on the 3rd fret [G], and then the E again.
The "chorus" of sorts is like this: (Note: for the rest of this transcription, I probably have the number of times you hit each chord worng. Just strum as fast as you can with only down-strokes and change chords when your fingers cramp.]
The "verse" [part where he sings] : A5 A5 A5 A5 3 times C5 C5 C5 C5
The bridge is this cord: some kind of mutant A: |---| |---| |-4-| |-5-| |-5-| |---|
strummed a few times, and then dropped down two steps. Do this a few times. [You're going to have to listen to it to see what I mean]
Then play an E like in the intro [without doing the G thing] In between the E's, do the single-note lines by just making them up.
I learned this off of a friend's cousin's dentist who got it from Guitar for the Practicing Musician which he stocks in his waiting room. He's from Seattle.
Drop down strings 1 whole step: [or drop just Low-E string down to D, and play Rhythm 2 down 1 whole step from what it is listed here]
Rhythm 1: [one bar, all eight notes] |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-0-0-3-5-3-0-0-0-| play many times
You're going to have to get me some Suicidal Tendencies off of How will I Laugh Tomorrow [Trip of the Brain, maybe?] if you want me to give those damnably long solo's.
_ I'd do it for Della Brown by Queensryche too.
Have fun,
=O.| fled =O
| -- | ::::My Opinions Do Not Reflect Those Of My Employer:::: | "You'll be absolutely free, Only if you want to be...." | F. Zappa