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Artist: Yardbirds Title: Mister Your A Better Man Than I
Well then mister you're a better man than I 4x (after 4th repeat)
verse 2:
Could you tell a wise man By the way he speaks or spells Is this more important Than the stories that he tells And call a man a fool If for wealth he doesn't strive
Chorus Solo over G
Verse 3:
You condemn a man If you faith he doesn't hold You say the color of his skin Is the color of his soul Could you say that men For king and country all must die?
____________________________________________________________________________ | | | Chris Fischer | (614) 593-0415 | | Graduate Research Assoc. | Dept of Mech. Eng. | | Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering | 251 Stocker Center | | Ohio University | Athens, OH 45701 | |__________________________________________________________________________|