Here is the song for all of you Refreshments fans out there.
Down Together - The Refreshments Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy By Mike Kimmel
We could write our names here in the mud - no one's around to see them. We could hang our shoes here in a tree - no one's around to steal them. I could give you a star. You could give me one, too,
and that way we'd be even. I could sing a song way out of tune and not care a bit about it.
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We could both wear cowboy hats and pretend that we could speak Italian. I could eat some gum and make my breath so minty fresh to kiss you. Your breath will smell like wine. I like that a lot.
Especially when I kiss you. And I can hit my funny bone real hard and you could call me sweetheart.
Who ever said "There's nothing new under the sun." Never thought much about individuals - but he's dead, anyway. Let's go down together. Down together. Let's go Down together. Down together. Down together. Let's go Down together. Down together. Down together. Let's go
Down together. Down together. Down together. Yeah! Let's go...
- - - - - -
We could all wear ripped up clothes and pretend that we worked
in hot workshops. I could drive a long long way and not even have the cash to make it back. We could chase our shadows around the lawn until we're both exhausted. And I could forget the words here one more time and hope that no one notices.
Whoever said "There's nothing new under the sun." Never thought much about..... MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Yeah, well, what's good for you is good for me, And what's bad for you is bad for me, And what's good for you is good for me, And what's bad for you is bad for me. A# (and hold it)
Well cars break down and people break down
and other things break down, too, so let's go
Down together. Down together. Down together. Let's go
Down together. Down together. Down together. Let's go
Down together. Down together. Down together. Let's go
Down together. Down together. Down together. Yeah! Let's go...
- - - - - -
Well we could find a speck of dust and scribble down our life story.