Verse2: He's got a degree in economics, maths, physics and bionics, He thinks that I'm a cabbage, `cos I hate "University Challenge", Even at the age of ten, Smart boy Kevin was a smart boy then, He always beat me at "Subbuteo", `Cos he flicked to kick, and I didn't know.
Break: A G E D X2 E D A G X2 Db -: D x2 or 3...
His mother bought him a synthesizer, got the Human League in to advise her, Now he's making lots of noise, playing along with the Art school boys, Girls try to attract his attention, but what a shame, it's in vain, total rejection, he will never be left on the shelf 'cos Kevin, he's in love with himself.
Outro: as intro and fade.
I hope somebody likes the undertones out there...
Chris. ****************************************************************** * I can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible * * "The picture of Dorian Gray" - Oscar Wilde * ******************************************************************